• Our results are available in paper form or as electronic documents and can be accessed in an Intranet, on the Internet or in mobile form on a smartphone. Interim and final results can be provided for all presentation forms in real time. Our results presentation in an Intranet and on the Internet in particular offer event organisers, representatives from the press and spectators many different ways of easily accessing the information they desire.

    Our result service takes into account all the rules applicable to the relevant sport, discipline and age group.

  • LIVE result service

    mika:timing's LIVE result service allows interim and final results to be accessed online and in real time. The live services include, for example, the LIVE leaderboard showing the fastest runners during the competition as well as various search and filter functions. The result lists and PDF reports are also made available after the end of the event.

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  • Layout adaptation

    On request, result data can be presented in the look&feel of the event. For example, event organiser and sponsor logos can be included on all result media.


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  • Announcer systems

    Specially synchronised to meet the requirements of your event, we offer various announcer softwares that are used to display athletes' personal and performance details. Depending on the product, announcers and even press representatives and sponsors can access the desired data online or offline.

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  • Social media services

    Results can be posted or tweeted on the social media platforms Facebook and Twitter even during an event. Participants and spectators can achieve a high level of awareness for their event in social media through sharing, commenting and liking.

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  • Mobile results presentation

    Results can also be retrieved on a smartphone or tablet. Filters can be set for specific results or favourites and race leaders can be followed via the LIVE leaderboard.

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  • FavoritesOnMap

    Our tracking function from FavoritesOnMap allows individual participants to be visualised on a map of the course by projecting the average speed. Another version with replay function enables your participants to look back over the competition. It is also possible for them to see a visual comparison of their race performance with that of selected finishers.


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  • mika tracking app

    Used alongside the LIVE result service, the mika tracking app makes it possible to follow participants live. To enable tracking, participants download the free app and carry their smartphones with them during the event. The smartphone’s mobile data and GPS function can be used to show the athlete’s exact position on a map in the event website’s results section. The app benefits not only spectators but also athletes, as the results section of the app also shows split times and an expected finish time. They can therefore see their race times live.

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  • Intranet features

    The intranet with up to 5 personalised login accounts allows external service providers and vendors such as TV stations and press, access to protected content, e.g. participant data and event statistics. Numerous favourites including supplementary comments can be saved globally through the admin account or the individual user accounts. Further features such as event and split statistics, FastSearch or live ticker can also be added.

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  • API usage

    Interim and final results can made available to external service providers such as TV broadcasters and the press via an API provided and configured by mika:timing.


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  • SMS service

    The SMS service offers event organisers and participants the chance to receive messages about interim and final times on their mobile devices. Here you have the choice between two options. The automatic text message can either be sent to all participants or only to those who previously registered for the SMS service.

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